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The lack of lights, trees, music, family, peppermint mochas, etc., has allowed me to realize that christmas away from home is not the same. But I couldn't be more excited. God has answered my prayers. I have been asking that He transform my heart to love and choose Him over anything and everything else. And I can safely say that my focus this Christmas season is Jesus. What a gift.

Randomly having stumbled upon a podcast with Michelle and Barack Obama, I listened to them speak about the evolution of the definition of community. They shared their thoughts on how the idea of community has changed, what this means for our society today, and how community could be restored and re-defined once again. God granted me wisdom and discernment to listen with a biblical lens. Quickly I began to think about the body of Christ and the importance of community. God gifted us each other to do life together, to support each other, to carry each others burdens, and to depend on each other like our muscles are dependent on our lungs. What a gift.


We are officially here! From the pyramids to the people Cairo, Egypt is filled with so much history and character. Being here has increased my excitement to continue to learn how history directly fits into the bible.

We have been having so much fun. Our ministry here is with a different organization that focuses on sparking the "innate nature of a child’s curiosity and love of adventure through. . . fun, safe, engaging and educational activities." They have many different branches, one of them being community service. I have really enjoyed being involved with this branch as we get to help the needy children of Egypt. We have worked two camps with special need children and the Lord has grown my heart for those who are, in one way or another, helpless.

Our teammate, Precious, from Uganda is joining us as I type this. Praise the Lord for He is good! We are so excited to see our team become more whole.

Prayer Requests.

- Easy transition for Precious as she joins the Gap Year halfway through.

- Guidance and clarity from the Lord for my next steps after this year.

- Opportunities to share the gospel with staff and even strangers.

- More of the Holy Spirit for our team.

- Healing from sickness for our leaders Mackenzie and Kathryn.

- Joy in God and him only, not in our circumstances.

- A good Christmas for all of us as we are far from home.

I want to be praying for all of you as well. So, send me an email or inbox message with your requests.I am just so thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you for being my family.

Love, Alondra.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans." Romans 8:26

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