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Undeservingly Blessed.

As I write, we are halfway through the Gap year with only two weeks left here in Egypt. Before I know it I will be back in Florida with family and friends. It is so sweet to look forward with hopes and dreams, but God has me here today, at a coffee shop, writing to you!

Egypt has been really fun and enjoyable. We have experienced so much of the culture, and have been lucky enough to see the Bible come to life.

We have been up to so many different things. . . so buckle up!

  • The last week of December we counseled at a camp teaching kids values and disciplines (team work, love, support, patience, justice, etc.) through sports. It was so encouraging to see God work through us as we spent time with them! We saw the kids hearts change by us just being there and calling on the Spirit for guidance.

  • On New Years Eve, we had team bible study. Then we went to see Avatar at the movie theaters. I think it is one of my favorite movies! I even cried. We then had a very late dinner, Egyptian style, in which we ate with no utensils. It was an experience for sure, lol. When we arrived home, there was a church service happening downstairs. It was a Ghanan church. So naturally we joined and said goodbye to 2022 with brothers and sisters from Ghana.

  • A couple of days later, we served at another sports camp! This one was focused on skateboarding. Again we experienced the Spirits guidance in all we did. We got to see kids who lacked confidence in their abilities, grow to be so excited about learning and trying new things.

  • Jill, our program director, joined us the second week of January. Together we visited a school for Sudanese refuges and did some art on their walls. They felt so blessed and excited to have us. Through this experience my heart grew in love and compassion for the needy. It was such a sweet thing to see that something so small can make such a big impact. We also hosted a camp for the same school. Young girls came to our camp ground and danced, played games, had lunch, etc. I prepared a talk on identity and shared my testimony. Although some of the girls were Muslim, they left the camp feeling really encouraged about who they truly are and knowing more of who God is!

  • We got to kayak on the Nile river, and visit where they holy family stayed when they came to Egypt.

  • We left Cairo and headed to Sharm (South of the Sinai Desert) for our Mid-Year trip. The driver that took us to Sharm expressed that he believed we were the real muslims. The word muslim means “to submit to God,” and he saw this in us as we just went about our day unaware that God was working through us. What an encouragement.

  • During mid-year we reflected on the first half of the Gap-Year, shared what God has been doing in our hearts, and re-focused on our goals a hopes for the rest of the year. We got to celebrate how God has moved and the work He has done through us.

  • We scuba-dived in the Red Sea, and saw where it is thought that God split the Red Sea. We hiked Mount Sinai, and stood where Moses received the 10 commandments. Kathryn and I met this older gentleman, and had a spiritual conversation with him at the top of the mountain. It was such an amazing experience.

  • I got to swim at the beach a couple time and read books under the sun! It was such a blessing to have this time of reflection, celebration, and rest.

  • We are now back in Cairo filled with excitement to see what God does with the rest of our time here.

Here are some fun pictures! Scroll to see more ;)


As per usual, God has been shining His light upon my heart and speaking truths over me. As I continue to wait on what my next steps are after this year, my idols of comfort and security, are being stripped down. God has shown me that my security is in Him and not in my circumstances. I now know that whatever my next step is, I will be equipped, just like He equipped me for this year, just like He did Noah with the ark, Mary in her pregnancy, Jeremiah with continually prophesying against Israel, the disciples with the gospel, etc. Without this idol, I am now better able to take big steps of faith and trust God with the outcomes! In this, He is also growing me in love for obedience. Like Zechariah, I also question God about the plans He has for my life. I have been faithfully asking for Him to take me where He wants me to be, but I struggle to actually let Him guide me and trust in His promises. My doubtful heart has revealed that I don’t really trust Him and actually believe I know better than He does. But by me choosing to surrender at His feet, everyday, and obey Him, His word, His guidance, and the good works He has for me, I have been learning how much of a gift obedience is! I can safely say that my love and trust for God has grown so so much!

Even in the struggles, I am choosing to love God and continue to take steps of faith. I am coming to closely understand what Psalm 1 expresses –- Blessed are those who delight in the law of the Lord for they are a tree that yields fruit in time. It is a blessing for me to listen to God and follow after Jesus in everything. 💓

Prayer Requests/Praises!

- Praise God for His faithfulness in answering "mundaine" or "little" prayers.

- Praise God for how He continues to use us even when we don't see it. - Pray for greater fear of the lord.

- Pray for a heart of worship and thanksgiving.

- Pray that the Sudanese refugees here in Egypt would be treated with the love and respect they deserve as they are made in God's image.

- Pray that our team would continue to rely on God's strength and guidance.

- Pray that I would continue to fall more in love with Jesus.

- Pray that as we prepare to move to Tanzania that the transition would not be too hard or difficult for us.

Thank you so much for your continued support and love. Don't be shy in reaching out with comments, questions, concerns, prayer requests, etc. I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you!

Love, Alondra.

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